Friday Foodie: Boozy Brownies

Brownie 5

There seems to be a running theme here – booze in food. Ah well, it’s nearly the weekend so let’s run with it! This week’s Friday Foodie recipe is Boozy Brownies. I made these for a birthday dinner and they went down a treat slightly warmed with some ice cream. Equally as nice cold the following day. Here we go…



330g dark chocolate (try to use good quality with higher cocoa percentages)
125g butter
225g sugar
3 large eggs
100g plain flour 
50ml rum (I used Bacardi)
125g raspberries



Begin by pre-heating the oven to 180 degrees C and line your square baking tray (20cm x 20cm) with grease proof paper.

Brownie 2

Put a large bowl over a pan of gently boiling water ensuring the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Add in the butter and chocolate and stir until it has all just melted. Be careful it doesn’t burn.

Brownie 3

Remove from the heat and mix in the sugar. Next add the eggs and then the rum. Finally add the flour and ensure all the ingredients are well mixed. The brownie batter should be nice silky consistency.

Brownie 1

Pour the batter into the baking tray and top with the raspberries. Bake for around 25mins until the top is set but it still has a bit of wobble. Allow to cool and then remove and cut into slices.

Brownie 4



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